
I grow oxide heterostructures and study their electronic, magnetic and structural properties. I engineer materials at the atomic level so they can be controlled by dimensionality, chemistry, strain and interfacing. Below are some past and present projects. If you're a current or incoming Northwestern student interested in joining my group then please Get in touch to learn about plans currently in development and future projects.

Ongoing projects

Superconducting nickelates

For as long as superconductivity has been known in the copper-oxides, people have suspected it may also exist in the nickel-oxides owing to the similar chemistry. Now that superconducting nickelates have been discovered, there are some fundamental questions to be addressed. Read more...


There is a whole zoo of magnetic structures far beyond simple antiferromagnetism or ferromagnetism. Helimagnets consist of magnetic spirals but how and why the spirals form is not always well-understood. Read more...

Past projects

Mixing different but similar materials

Taking two compounds that are almost the same but not quite can allow us to fine-tune physical properties to a super-precise level. But, it leads to some interesting questions and we found that there are some potentially tricky things that should not be overlooked. Read more...

Oxide films towards the atomic limit

Crystals are treated as infinite in most theories, what happens when they're really not? We found modulations in both the conductivity and the vibrational properties of ultrathin films of a metal because the interfaces start to really matter in this limit. Read more...

Detecting distortions of the oxygen octahedra

In transition metal (TM) oxides, the TMd-Op-TMd bond is critical for the properties of the material. Distortions in perovskite oxides often take the form of rotations and tilts of oxygen octahedra. We use synchrotron x-ray diffraction to detect these distortions and learn a lot about the interfaces. Read more...